

打开从考古学到遗传咨询等令人兴奋的职业的大门. In 皇冠app官方版下载的人类学学士学位课程,你将探索不同的文化和 Research人类是如何、何时、何地出现的. 与此同时,你会获得批评 思考能力将是你职业生涯和生活各个领域的资产.


课程融合了动手实验、社区和领域的原创Research experience to provide excellent preparation for whatever direction you choose to take 你的人类学Research. 在小班学习,你也会得到教授的指导 他们既是富有爱心的教育者,又是备受尊敬的Research人员和各自领域的专家 各自的领域. 


B.A. 在人类学

皇冠app官方版下载人类学系提供一门人类学专业和两门辅修专业. 学生 可以通过选修课程的选择来定制他们的学术课程吗.


As an 人类学 major at UNC, you’ll learn about the four main fields of 人类学:

  • 考古探索古代文化的行为.
  • 文化人类学: Considering modern culture 和 attempting to underst和 cross cultural differences 和相似之处.
  • 生物人类学深入Research人类在生物上适应环境的方式.
  • 语言人类学: Learning about the evolution of languages 和 how languages shape our world view.

The degree program is h和s-on 和 active, taking you beyond textbook learning 和 进入一个可以让你学以致用的世界. 一路走来,你会成功的 令人兴奋的发现,并设定一个完全属于你自己的职业道路.




这是对社会科学、人文科学和许多其他专业的极好补充 the natural sciences, the 21-credit hour 人类学 minor enhances your skills of anthropological inquiry 和 analyzing complex 问题 relating to human development. You’ll also gain a deeper underst和ing of the dynamics of modern cultural relationships.



The 18-credit hour Multicultural 人类学 minor explores cultural diversity in 在美国和国外,专注于群体动力学在当代社会. The minor delves into ethnic group experiences, social classes 和 gender 和 sexuality 问题. Your program could include such diverse classes as The Black Family; Gender, Race, Class 和 Sexuality; 和 Mexican American Politics 和 领导.




One of the advantages of attending a renowned Research university such as UNC is that you have the opportunity to collaborate with leaders in your discipline on groundbreaking Research.

You also have access to incredible resources: Our biological, anthropological, archaeological 和 archaeogeophysics labs include valuable collections of artifacts 和 human skeletal remains, as well as state-of-the-art computing systems that support ArcGIS, SPSS 和 其他分析软件.

此外,副教授安迪·克里克莫尔博士.D.他最近获得了国家奖 Science Foundation grant that resulted in the acquisition of $157,000 in scientific instrumentation—including ground-penetrating radar 和 other instruments to enable 考古遗址的地球物理勘探.

法医人类学 student Nicole Arizmendi identifies a human skeleton by matching it to its dental records.
UNC 法医人类学 students excavate a mock skeleton at the Poudre Learning Center.
UNC students Jennifer Wright 和 Katelyn McEachern work with Albanian student Marlon to analyze skeletons in Albania.

皇冠app官方版下载人类学项目的伟大之处在于它的教授,一个小团体 of top-notch scholars who, through close interaction, lectures, discussions 和 applied Research, encourage students to be both scientists 和 humanists – which is the essence 我们的领域."

——Ryan Lambert, UNC人类学学生


Great care is taken to ensure that our 人类学 students explore the career 和 Research该领域的可能性,并做出反映自己兴趣的选择. The options are exceptionally broad 和 have included such paths as working to improve the lives of disadvantaged populations, excavating ancient civilizations, curating 在博物馆里继续读Research生.

以皇冠app官方版下载的人类学B为例.A. 如果你是:

  • 对你周围的世界充满好奇
  • 对旅游和Research感兴趣
  • 一个喜欢了解其他文化的人


  • Critical thinking skills that will develop your abilities to analyze situations 和 data
  • To gain insight into complex situations, diverse cultures 和 scientific phenomena


  • 世界考古
  • 法医人类学
  • 人类学的定量方法
  • 北美印第安人
  • 医学人类学
  • 公众考古学
  • 现代人类变异
  • 人类进化解剖学


The field experiences shared by 人类学 majors are some of the most fascinating 任何地方的学生都可以参与其中. 最近,学生们:

Surveyed clients at the Salud Family Health Clinic (which strives to provide services 为移民、难民和其他弱势群体提供帮助) discover if the community’s needs were being met 和 how services could be improved.

访问ed Iraq to create a map of an ancient city to better underst和 how cities were 组织和揭示城市文明的兴起.

Used ground-penetrating radar 和 magnetometry to locate unmarked graves 和 survey 科罗拉多州布莱顿的一个墓地.

设计K-12年级儿童营养课程计划和活动并呈现 这些课程是在科罗拉多州格里利的K-12教室里进行的.

Traveled to Greece 和 Albania to collect data from skeletal materials to better underst和 在重大的社会转型时期会发生什么. 然后他们展示了他们的 在国家科学会议上的发现.

作为一名人类学学生,你可能会在格里利博物馆(Greeley museum)实习 Americas in Denver, Northern Colorado AIDS project, the Weld County Coroner’s Office, Poudre Learning Center, in refugee communities through local aid agencies 和 in dozens 在北科罗拉多地区及其他地区的其他地点.


The career 和 graduate school opportunities open to you when you hold a bachelor’s 皇冠app官方版下载的人类学学位种类繁多. 这些是许多地方中的一些 我们的毕业生可以找到工作:

  • 博物馆
  • 文化资源管理(CRM)公司
  • 顾问公司
  • 州、联邦或地方政府机构
  • 非政府组织(ngo)
  • 非营利组织
  • 公共卫生机构
  • Research生院
  • 验尸官或法医办公室
  • 动物园
  • 和平队
  • 遗传咨询机构


Research和实地考察是皇冠app官方版下载人类学项目的核心. 你会 study with faculty who are both excellent classroom educators 和 gifted student mentors who will work side-by-side with you on Research that uncovers exciting new information 横跨人类学的广阔领域. 根计划只是Research的一个例子 目前正在皇冠app官方版下载人类学系进行:


迈克尔·金博尔博士.D. (人类学副教授)

Michael Kimball’s "根项目" focuses on exploring common ground between the life 最近移民或新移民到维尔德县和农业的经历 先行者的遗产. 从一开始,这项Research就 included 人类学 majors from Kimball’s classes, giving valuable field experience 这将是Research生院和以后的财富.

"Greeley's history is a remarkable story of immigration that stretches back more than two centuries 和 includes newcomers from both Europe 和 the Americas," Michael Kimball 说. “最近,这个故事因更多的新来者而变得更加丰富——移民和 refugees from Latin American countries like Mexico, Guatemala 和 El Salvador; African countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya 和 Eritrea; 和 Southeast Asian countries 比如泰国和缅甸(缅甸)."

学生 in Kimball's Applied 人类学 class have partnered with Greeley Central 和 West high school students 和 their families to discover connections between their 过去和格里利的历史. 通过照片拍摄的高中学生期间 a tour of the Centennial Village Museum 和 interviews with them 和 their families about their experience, UNC students are learning anthropological perspectives 和 methods, building cross-cultural bridges 和 helping the City of Greeley 博物馆 continue 改善他们的外联和规划.

新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄
新来者约50人, 老师, 协调员, 翻译和皇冠app官方版下载的学生参加了百年纪念村博物馆之旅. UNC student-Researchers have partnered with Greeley high school students from the local refugee communities 和 will create an online presentation in November. Tracey Clay (BA-13)拍摄

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